
Check in with yourself this Christmas

Christmas can be a time filled with joy and happy memories, but the season is not all merry and bright for everyone. Read on to explore ways that you can check in with yourself, friends, family, and colleagues this Christmas.


Eight signs of exhaustion that you shouldn’t ignore

A report by the Wales Centre for Public Policy (2021) recognised physical and mental exhaustion, aka ‘burnout’ as one of the biggest threats to social care and NHS service functioning.

What does it feel like to have ‘burnout’, and what can you do?


Know the signs of moral injury 

Here, we explore some of the triggers of and key conceptions associated with moral injury, “…one of the greatest challenges reported by UK National Health Service frontline health-care staff…” (Williamson et al, 2021).


I’m starting to feel more like myself again

Rachel was a specialist nurse in Intensive Care. It wasn’t until she started to experience symptoms of mental and physical exhaustion, that she sought help through her GP who referred her to Canopi.


5 things you may not know about anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the world, more than one in twenty people living in the UK are living with an anxiety disorder.

Read on to learn more about causes, symptoms, and treatment options of the UK’s most common mental problem.


Meet our Peer Support Volunteer: Michael

Michael, a retired Chartered Psychologist, shares his experience of providing mental health peer support through HHP Wales.


Five ways we can look after our mental health at Christmas

After last year’s Christmas in lockdown, this year’s more “normal” celebrations will be welcomed. However, while celebrating with friends and family again will be joyful for many, it will also pose mental health challenges to others.


Mental health on the COVID-19 frontline

NHS employees are among the millions of individuals who report worsening mental health caused by the pandemic and resulting lockdowns.


Getting help: free and confidential support for alcohol use

Did you know that for both men and women it is recommended that we drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week?

But what exactly is a unit and when is it too much?  


I didn’t know I had PTSD: a personal account

From experiencing trauma through personal tragedy as well as working in a high-stress environment, Amanda found herself living in a constant state of fear.

She has kindly shared her experience of the HHP Wales service and what led her to seeking support for her mental health.


Five factors that could be affecting your sleep

Mental health and sleep are closely linked. After a good night’s sleep, we wake up feeling physically and mentally refreshed while a bad night’s sleep can leave us feeling physically sluggish and mentally low.


Meeting the people here to help: Dr Rob Morgan

Dr Rob Morgan is one of our Dr Advisors and has shared his story of how he came to work for HHP Wales.


10 things you may not know about PTSD

Many people think of PTSD as something that affects those who have had traumatic experiences while serving in the military, but it can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic situation.


There was no space in my life to look after me

Sarah, a consultant anaesthetist of over twenty years, has shared how her mental health was affected by issues in her family and how she accessed the help she needed to cope.


The importance of connecting with nature for our wellbeing

Nature is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week and Professor Debbie Cohen, one of the founders of HHP Wales, has kindly shared some thoughts on how important it is for NHS staff to connect with nature.