
Real self-care: staying well after therapy

Receiving mental health support is just the first step to recovery and sometimes we can experience ‘relapses’ in our mental health. Read on to discover tried and tested strategies to help you stay well, including what to do if you have a relapse.

What is self-care?

Nowadays, we are highly familiar with the term ‘self-care’ but what does it really mean? ‘Self-care’ can mean different things to different people but generally refers to essential practices which promote our mental and physical wellbeing.

For those with a history of mental health difficulties, a lack of self-care is usually the first sign of a mental health relapse.

That’s why it’s important to reflect on self-care strategies that work for us and use these to create a relapse prevention plan.  

Be proactive to prevent relapse

It is vital that you create a prevention plan when you are feeling well. Preventing relapse is like brushing your teeth. Doing it once in a while is not enough to prevent tooth decay – you need to keep brushing every day.

Think of your plan as a three-step process

This should include:

  1. Permanent, daily self-care practices to help you stay well
  2. Coping strategies that help you manage symptoms if they arise
  3. Signs that you might need further support, or be in crisis

It is essential that your prevention plan is personal to you.

Get started today

If you’re struggling to get started, you can check out this helpful planning sheet and the list of recommended strategies from our Public Advisory Group (PAG) below.

Self-care practices recommended by our Public Advisory Group (PAG)

Spend time in nature  Maintain healthy sleeping habitsSpend time with petsCreate a scrapbook of inspirational quotes  
Create a ‘mental health box’ with meaningful objects  Maintain an active lifestyleListen to music or podcastsMake a list of people in your support network
Play an instrumentHave a good breakfastTake a bubble bathCreate a gratitude journal
  Read a bookDraw or paint a pictureTry solo or guided meditationMake time for the occasional treat

What to do if you need further support or might be in crisis

If you think you are in crisis. It’s important to get help straight away.

Get more strategies and tips for your wellbeing:

Canopi’s Public Advisory Group (PAG)

Our PAG is made up of individuals who have sought mental health support through Canopi and help us to improve our services.